Tempus Fugit (Widwed070721)
A day of sunshine and heavy showers so something of a challenge being in the right place at the right time to find shadows for Wide Wednesday.
Fortunately, our sundial came to the rescue. It has featured in my journal a few times - the first one I can find here.
Update - extra added of a different type of sundial(?) we saw at RHS Rosemoor last month.
In other news, I put more memory into my desktop PC (now 32Gb) which does seem to have speeded things up noticeably. Going from Lightroom to Photoshop is more reliable and it is generally more 'sprightly'. And at the other end of the technology scale, I cleared out a lot of soil and dust from a French drain and refilled it with clean gravel.
Thanks to RDS photography for hosting.
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