
By fennerpearson


Actually, this is nothing like what I'd imagine a triffid to look like but I did think these trees seemed rather out of place, quite alien, on a suburban street in Kendal.

Of course, my lack of interest in my How And Why Wonder Book Of Trees has left me ill-prepared when it comes to tree identification and maybe this is a very commonplace tree that's had its branches chopped off. And then loads of twigs have grown out of the top :-/

Anyway, I was a big fan of John Wyndham's when I was in my very early teens, and I read all of his books, which may go some way to explaining my lack of reading time for the tree book. I think 'The Chrysalids' was my favourite of his novels but 'Day Of The Triffids' is cracking, too.

I loved the 70s TV adaptation but I thought the remake a couple of years ago, which featured Eddie Izzard, was also very good.

Except... why didn't they just dig trenches?

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