Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Nose Nibbles

Becky had to go into the office for the first time in about 16 months because she hired a new employee who needed training.  So, it was back to the routine of granddog visiting for us today.  The boys were beyond happy to see us, as evidenced by my blip.  Fang loves his grandpa and loves to pin him down and wash his face - lots of licks and occasional nibbles.  You can see by the blur that his tail was wagging a mile a minute (Fang's, not PD's).  After a trip outside for potty business and lots of playing and cuddling, both of them went back into the kitchen and waited for their farewell treats.  I am grateful that they didn't fight going in.  We could have gotten Thor in, but if Fang didn't cooperate, I don't think the two of us could have gotten him in there.  He's 90 pounds and very strong!  Fortunately, they're very treat motivated. :-)

I went to the pool for exercise this morning.  Then we went out for breakfast and a quick trip to Walmart to replace our broken camping table before our doggy visit.  Now I'm home with my blip done early so I have time for some much needed house work.  Piper is shedding terribly and leaving clumps of fur everywhere she goes.  Don't tell her,  but she's going to get a good brushing when it cools off outside.

Thank you to everyone for your visits and stars and hearts on my blips.  I really appreciate all of them!  xx

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