Behind you!

It couldn't have been a more different day from yesterday! Warm and calm - ideal pottering weather! After an early lunch I cadged a lift to Dunollie from Mrs M who meets with the sewing group under the outside shelter there for lunch on a Tuesday - I really didn't have the energy to walk both ways!

Good to stroll along the Esplanade with the camera; who knows, I might have seen Ollie of Dunollie, our local otter. Needless to say I didn't! I did watch the 'Coruisk' coming in from Mull, and as I watched her a neat little scene unfolded itself and gave me a Blip. The ferries turn to starboard at this point, so the panto kayaker was in no danger and probably knew he wasn't, as he made to attempt to get out of the way!

I made my way across the grass outside the Corran Halls and groaned inwardly at the weed-ridden beds which still have the remains of the spring bedding in. How I would love to do something about them! Maybe next year - I seem to be lacking drive at the moment!

Walking down the footpath between the houses I looked over the gate to see if my ball-chasing dog was out - and he was! The half-chewed tennis ball was lying unwanted at the side of the drive. When he spotted me he jumped up and brought the ball over, tho' he needed a few prompts before bringing it close enough for me to pick it up from under the gate. After a dozen throws I decided that I'd had enough, even if he hadn't, so as he picked up the ball I called 'That's enough, I'm off now!' To my surprise he trotted off behind the house with his ball as tho' he understood, which I suppose he must have done!

My extra today is a combination of plants which I thought went well together. The succulent is Aeonium holochrysum 'Blushing Beauty' and the plant between them Bidens ferulifolia, maybe the strain known as 'Beedance Painted Red', tho' Homebase didn't specify!

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