New reality day 343

Radish for our lunch salad from the backyard.

Remember that it was only 4 days ago when I said go salads go. And my gosh have they gone! I can see tens of little mini cotyledons around the vegetable bed. It said it will take 7-12 days to emerge, but here we are. The heatwave certainly is helping me.

I have another evening shift today and then I'm off for 3 days. Wonderful.

I took one shift for next weeks Thursday. It's only 4 hours in the morning. I get to do something that I've never done, if they don't change chores that day. We'll see. Anyway. 4 hours is such a short time and as my husband is working the morning, so I might as well go in. At least I'm being flexible as I promised to be.

I think I'm on the verge of making a friend in the store. She's one of the semi bosses. And we're planning to go for a walk tomorrow when we both have days off. She lives about a kilometer away, so very close. She confided in me yesterday and I in her very quickly. There was so much we needed to say (to my understanding) that I'm really waiting for the walk and chance to really connect. She was truly horrified about how I was treated on Sunday and said it should have never happened. I told her about getting the influencer job and she was happy for me and the first one in the management to congratulate me. No one still knows and I'm doing the job. It shouldn't be like this but now I understand more about the underlying currents. She also told me that she's very happy that I joined forces as she thinks I'm so kind-hearted. It was so nice to hear that. She was also the first one to ask me how I've liked it there. After 3 months, first question about me, or how I feel or what it's been like. I've really felt invisible there except when making mistakes.

I will analyze this more in my head and tell you more when I get there

I still feel this current place is so much (like night and day) better than the previous one. This one (from the HQ) treats us well, and everything is  done by the book. Then people who rise to store level management can be a different story.

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