Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey
And after a two-day week, we are back at the weekend.
The allotment carried on without us while we were gone - in fact it did better while we weren't there.
There is hardly a spot bare within 12b - Peas at the front next to the pear tree. Onions and beets in the next bed. Sweet corn in the next bed.
Broad beans, Shallots, Garlic, and out of sight - Asparagus. Plumtree, and then loads of potatoes.
In the other plot. Brassicas, parsnips, carrots, beets, chard, squash, leeks, fennel, kale, french beans, lettuce leaves.
And only two mice so far.
We worked away weeding in the cloud - and then packed up at lunchtime. Just as we walked away - I pulled the muscle in my leg again. Obv. i didn't rest it up enough.
We bimbled round the shop very slowly - and when we got home - i sat with my leg up.
And sat dumbfounded and England breezed through their next game.
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