All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ice-Cream snooze

Busy day for Ethan today.

First of all him and hubbie took Granny to the station.

Then his gymnastics class.

After that, the 3 of us went to visit my sister-in-law, Emma, in Dalkeith. Just a flying visit to drop off one of her daughters birthday presents. Think Ethan was rather disappointed as he was having fun playing with his cousins Ross, Isla-Rose and baby Ramsey!

Then lunch at Dobbies followed by a wander round Ikea.

No wonder he fell asleep with his half eaten ice-cream in hand in the car on the way home! Made me laugh though how the second he woke up, he started licking his hand then tucked right back in to the remaining ice-cream!

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