
I went 'up town' - first time in ages. Managed to get a lot of small but essential items in various shops I haven't been to for about 9 months (e.g. a pad of squared paper from Rymans, Kilombero rice from Malawi in the One World shop, and mustard seeds in Real Foods). So it goes.

I popped into Boots on Princes St only to find that they'd had to close on street level due to flooding, with just the pharmacy etc still functioning on the first floor. I chose not to investigate the shiny new mall in the St James 'Quarter' - apparently it was subject to a serious deluge through the roof, in spite of only having been open for about a week! (Cue ironic laughter ringing out around Edinburgh....)

But I looked down Dublin Street for my favourite glimpse of Fife and - oh, no! It seems to have vanished.

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