Secret Swimming Places

The warm weather continues, with no or little wind,  so the lakes are getting warmer and warmer and swimming is wonderful.
As the day cooled slightly I cycled along the western edge of Stora Vegsjön, along a road to nowhere. Just where the road comes to an end I remembered a potential swimming place, near the end.  That place wasn't so good but I saw a small headland sticking out into the lake, with smooth rocks leading down into the water. I had to do about 50 metres of forest bashing before I found a very indistinct track heading the right way.  When I got here it was obvious most people come by boat. However, today I was completely alone so I could strip off and jump in. I swam for about 20 minutes without feeling at all cold. I climbed out and sat on the warm rocks to dry off.
I shall add this place to my list of secret swimming spots!

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