
By Viewpoint

They've found it at last!!

The new Niger seed feeder has been hung from the tree for well over a week (maybe two) without any interest from a passing goldfinch or two. I was just about to give-up and relocate it to the back garden when I spotted this pair feeding. We still have the original hanging on the post at the back but it doesn't have a seed tray and the birds scatter the seed everywhere. No doubt come spring (if we ever have one) the seedlings will be sprouting from every nook and cranny.

I've been sorting out some images of my prints/ artwork this afternoon and I'm still not sure of the best way to make them available online - I think I'm in danger of setting up sites that I can't maintain. It's getting to be decision time.

A fairly inactive day for me, nursing my cold - though I do feel better after taking my last decongestant. It's the photo club annual meal and presentation evening tonight so I'm hoping to last out, at least for the earlier part of the evening.

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