Vitrine and bookself

My step-mom can not take all of my deceased father's belongings with her, as she moves to Kaarina in the end of the month. She had asked my brother to move his big oak vitrine somewhere. After negotiatings the vitrine ended up to my brother's God-daughter, that is to my daughter. As she has no room for the vitrine yet, but I did, the vitrine was addressed into my home.

The solution is better, than if it had been given away, sold, or taken to garbage. My brother had these solutions in his mind, if I wouldn't take it.

And I just love the vitrine. It is from early 1900's. Injuries frolm1940's wars and repaired since.

Same series as the vitrine was an oak bookself (in the blip).

And my step-mom and my step-brother had agreed that he takes it. She also had agreed, that my brother would deliver the self to him. However the self was heavy as hell, and he needed help. So actually my children and their friends moved it with him (for pizza and beer fee only).

My step-brother was delighted about this bookself, now he also got an usable memory of my dad.

Suddenly in the end of the day my brother asked me how to pay my share of the rent of the van. As if it would have been my business in any way. As I had no idea, why he in the first place had came here, so I asked my step-mom and should I pay. She said that I shouldn't pay anything and took the fee and paid it for all. It had been her idea to ask my brother for help - so she was surprised that my brother asked me the money in the first place.

To my mind my brother continues his peculiarities only...

Bright sunny +27c hot.



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