
By cowgirl

Rain rain go away!

It’s been raining over night and several of my plants are looking worse for wear, especially poor Elizabeth. I’ve cut most of the flowers off and put them in a vase so they’re not completely finished yet.

It’s been raining off and on all day, quite heavily this evening. I did a bit of gardening during a break in the showers, so all the plants I planted up from pots into the garden have been properly watered in now!

As I was writing this I noticed a hedgehog pootling around the garden. Jumped up to get my camera, then couldn’t see him. I slowly opened the window and to my delight he was almost underneath me, on his back having a nibble at an itch. Raised the camera, pressed the button … no card inserted!! Argghhh! By the time I’d found the card, he’d gone, darn it!

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