Rhubarb & custard cake ... needs cream.
Walking up to the plot this morning I noticed someone, hopefully only sleeping, in their car parked next to the cemetery. A pillow against the window supporting a balding head. To the allotment, I put together a veggie box for Mum - lettuce, chipples, baby beets, carrots, broad beans & a bunch of sweet peas. Mum loves to have fresh flowers in a vase, & these sweet peas smell heavenly. :-) I popped in a row of French bean seed, then attempted to retrain the gherkin plants. Little rascals!! Fed the surplus lettuce leaves to the chickens on the plot. Bobby robin turned up for his breakfast.
Back home I pricked out some rainbow chard seedlings, then it was time to hit the road. Weather forecast was rain, so togged up in full waterproofs Indie & I set off on our walkabout. A different route this morning. Some moron has dumped a king sized duvet on the grass verge. We got absolutely sodden. The bracken is taller than me now so walking through that even without the rain falling got me wet. Back at Mum's got changed had a coffee then home.
Not gardening weather, I finished sewing the cotton top I've made from a man's shirt bought at the charity shop a few weeks ago. The skies brightened this afternoon so I weeded the brick pavier patio. An area where earlier in the year I feed the birds with a seed mix. I should have known better really. One of the plants was an absolute brute to remove. The taproot 4"-5" in length. Some violas, poppies, eryngium & lots of foxgloves have also self seeded so I tried not to to damage them. Rain stopped play!
Time to make dinner, got that going then made the rhubarb & custard cake ... delish, but needs cream, which I don't have today, but will definitely have tomorrow.
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