Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

The Singing Ringing Tree!

What an adventure...with thanks to the weather for added excitement!!

It was dry and warm as Mum and I head from the beautiful Towneley Park up, up, up to The Singing Ringing Tree. The views are just astounding; vast and dramatic.

We could see the rain falling...and knew it was heading for us!

We were about half an hour from arriving back in Towneley Park when the heavens burst in spectacular fashion. It truly was apocalyptic!!! I've definitely had drier had to laugh as we squelched back to the car, dripping as we went.

As we drove back towards home we passed through Hebden Bridge where the roads were becoming more and more water logged. The anxious shop owners were stood by their doorways asking drivers to slow down to avoid the wash of the water heading their way. It seems they've just escaped any flooding - phew!

Nearly time for some more Tour de France highlights; two of the climbs featured yesterday and today I've ridden myself which brings added intrigue. :-)

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