Stapleford Granary open day

I had to forgo Sunday poached eggs this morning in order to drive down to Stapleford through some pretty heavy rain at times.  I fairly recently joined the Stapleford flute choir, and they were doing a short performance as part of the Stapleford Granary open day.  The canopy, which was absent last time I was there, has now been re-instated and we were performing on a little stage under this shelter - which was just as well, as the weather was distinctly iffy.

Afterwards, I had a brief wander around.  I enjoyed a few minutes watching these guys working wood, and had to buy a wonderful hand made wooden bird from them for W, who is celebrating a significant birthday very shortly.  

I didn't hang around for very long, as I was lugging a bag with two flutes, and all the accompanying stuff.  If I was doing this sort of thing regularly, I would have to get a suitable rucksack.  There was a decent turn out of villagers and folks from around the area - parking was at a premium.  As an early arriver, I had found a space on the verge quite close to the venue, but when I left, folk were parked all down the village street.  An arriving couple were very grateful for my space as I departed.

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