Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

Sumo Sculpture

I am glad it is finally Saturday! It is nice to have a quiet day at least despite all the little jobs that need to be done haircuts in preparation for holiday and then i had to take son number one into Brussels to meet with a friend so they could do a project for school.
It takes a while on a Saturday as she lives in the centre of the city but it is interesting seeing all around in the city.It always fascinates me the Belgian interest in sculpture-they have them all over the place from traffic roundabouts to parks.
This one was on a garden type area close to Christian's friend's house and is by someone called Alexandra Gestin .she seems to specialise in Sumo pieces .He was pretty large and rather scary looking actually.He could do with a bit of a clean up though as it seem the local birds rather like him too!
Hope you are all having a good weekend too!

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