Observing The Sabbath

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

I slept badly last night. In fact, the last two nights. This is all due to cats. And the weather. But mostly cats.

It has been quite cold, so we have felt bad putting kitties out. As a result we tried an experiment of letting Dr. Girfriend and Dave stay in on Friday night, and then just Dave on Saturday night*.

Can I just say this; Dave is a BED HOG. He splayed right down the middle of the duvet and stretched out and long as he could make himself. I was completely squished to one side of the bed. But he was purring. So. You know.

Also, the experiment did not sit well with Jasper or Punky. Mainly Jasper who made his feelings clear about having internal doors closed. Loudly. At 1:30am. 

So today was a day of rest. I say that. I did listen in to two recorded work meetings and took notes but they were both quite funny so I didn't mind really. Also I wrote an implementation plan. Oh shut up, it needed doing.

But now it is TEN OF THE CLOCK. And therefore far past the bedtime of someone who has been awoken by yowls. 


* Dr. Girlfriend was nowhere to be seen.

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