The Great Charity Shop Shuffle
Well, it happened again today. I took two boxes of clutter to our local charity shop and came home with more than I donated.
I have been a certain a book called WELCOME HOME. A Cozy Minimalist Guide to Decorating and Hosting All Year Round. I am a collector of clutter and an abundance addict, and the mere word "minimalist" makes me cringe, but "cozy" appealed to me.
Apparently, according to this book, I need to decorate seasonally but not with abundance. For example, I do not need bins of fake pumpkins for autumn decor? ( which I did and which I have just dropped off at the charity shop today) Nor do I need all those Hallowe'en table decorations that I use only one day a year.
All I need are a few branches of coloured leaves from the yard, and two REAL pumpkins; then, I can just throw them out when the snow flies. No need for storage! I am not sure yet what I am to bring in during the winter or how many Christmas decorations I should display.. as the book was overdue at the library and I had to take it back.
Whatever, this is what I brought home today ..and trust me, each item was carefully selected and rationalized, and will fit into my new cozy minimalism lifestyle....once I weed out and "minimalize" my collections of antique china, dinnerware, books, sea shells, candle holders, table linens, fabric, yarn and craft supplies to make room for them....
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