A day when the weather couldn't make it's mind up. Rain on and off, a glimmer of sunshine once or twice. Muggy. I had plenty of indoor jobs to do, so mostly we stayed indoors. My room is cleaner and less cluttered - it's only a box room really but I tend to dump things that don't have a home in there. We still have a lot of stuff needing sorting, mostly from Ruth and Jamie's childhood. As it does get sorted the chaos will reduce .... honest!
Jamie, with Bella in her papoose and I did get out on our bikes early evening. Seven and a half miles of healthy exercise although mine is not an e-bike so I think I get the prize for effort :-) We dodged the showers well, it was very wet again as I went into work after.
Aquilegia chrysantha, easy from seed, more delicate than the more common columbines but already increasing gently from self sown seed here.
Puppy snuggles before bedtime tonight - extra pic
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