Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

Self Help

"Our interest is in whether you need a referral for the ortho clinic. And you don't. You're years away from that"

Thinks: that's certainly good news, Doc., but thought you might like to tell me what's actually causing this yelping, biting pain, if it's not the things you've ruled out?? And a bit of direction as to help?? No ???

So (ex-teacher mode re-asserts itself)I have self diagnosed and have spent the past few days uncovering a wealth of information and assistance with my back and leg problems. Youtube is phenomenal! Search engines produce a torrent of information; the NHS has a new Musculo-skeletal service supported by online help while you wait for a self-referral physio appointment and besides that, I now have on hand the treasure trove you see before you! And a brilliant yoga teacher!

So, Doc, even if "it's what you'd expect with a 1950 birthdate", I surely won't have to go it entirely alone?

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