
By ladyleah6

Shoes Against a Wall

Well, this is the ONLY photo I took on Thursday, so I don't have much choice here.

I had one of those hanging drawer things in the wardrobe with all SH's stuff inside. It broke on Wednesday night- it was never very good anyway.

It's broken-ness prompted me to start planning a complete rearrangement of all the furniture in the house.

Phase I of these plans was taking the shoes out of the wardrobe and getting a shoe rack. I bought the shoe rack- I just haven't assembled it yet.

We had a rent inspection on Friday so I had to try and make my shoes look neat while waiting for my plans to be implemented.

I don't consider myself the sort of girl who has a massive shoe collection- I certainly don't like shoes very much- so seeing all these shoes lined up (and *ahem* knowing this isn't all of them) was a little worrying

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