Proper summers day 20 degrees and no wind. Bit too hot for a riding lesson but that’s what happened. Turned out to be a geat lesson, having done days and days of walk only to progress slowly with back fitness we made it to trot this eve. Daisy went like a dream and was really in a good outline for a lot of the time. I was pink and sweating and delighted to not be doing canter in the heat , happy to watch for once .
Course work started and a lot of study time is required in the next few weeks. I think rain is forecast next week which will help my endeavours a lot !
My lockdown longer locks all got chopped off today, too much bother! It looked fine and then I stuck it under a riding hat in the hottest day of the year . Squished and frizzled now !! Haha how my life has changed , full on country gal these days. Love it.

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