
By Clazel

A Lovely Lakeland Day

We spend the morning doing a gentle amble around Tarn Hows. It is claimed to be the most photographed place in the Lake District. It’s a man made lake, originally a peat bog with three smaller tarns, created in the nineteenth century by a Leeds Flax Mill owner James Garth Marshall - and it is a picture - surrounded by exotic firs, which was Marshall’s passion, and dotted with flowering water lilies. The third extra give a flavour.
We have a lovely lunch at Brantwood, home of Ruskin, enjoying a sunny lakeside view of Coniston, then wander down to the jetty, and back through the gardens that lead to the house - The second extra.
Early evening and another visit to RSPB Hodbarrow, we’re fortunate to meet a staff member, who tells about the four types of tern, and we watch the terns - although we’ve no idea which ones - diving in the estuary, and taking fish back - presumably to chicks - in the area protected by the sea wall. It’s near here that the blip of the Little Plover is taken, terns with chicks and eiders are the first extra. A relatively easy day, nevertheless, somehow I have still managed to clock up over 17k steps.
Thank you again for the hearts, stars, and comments you have sprinkled on my journal.

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