New reality day 337

Can you guess what this is?

It is the first watermelon to show the color of flower. I'd thought it would be light pink, but here it is in it's all yellow beauty.

I also saw first buds in my paprika plants. I wonder if my red paprika will have yellow flowers too.

I've had a day off. I've been spending it in the backyard. I cleared all the construction crap away (waiting for the recycling center run). It took me about 2 hours. It was hard work. I had to extra careful as there was some rusty nails in some of the wood parts.

Then I made a bed for paprika plants. Replanted about half of the paprikas there. Rest will stay in the greenhouse. Funnily the ones with buds are the ones already replanted to outside. I think they like the extra space. Or the fresh air? I'm keeping the greenhouse bit hotter for the watermelons. And the tomatoes don't seem to mind.

I have to tell you something and I can as this is a private account now. This is about work. I like it at Lidl's. I like the company and I can handle the work. Mostly it's been okay, but of course there's always some people that you don't get along with that well. Mostly with most of the people we actually have fun while working. Some days I'm laughing so much. Some days it's the opposite. All about the people, right.

Anyway. We have this thing this summer among all summer employees (there over 1000 of us) that we could apply to be a social media influencer. 30 was chosen and I am one of those people! I was amazed that I got to be chosen. I made the application in about 5 minutes.

Anyway, I was very happy to get the email telling me that I was chosen. They said they'll send me and my superior an orientaton package so we both know what it means and how it will be handled.

So I get to work and both my superiors are at the kitchen and tell me there's an envelope for me. I asked the other one (when I had a chance she was handling something else at that point and the other left home) if she knew what it was. She said yes, I got the same thing.

They didn't congratulate me.

I actually found myself apologizing for getting the position.

It just came so naturally. I read the room and apologized.

We also have a wa group for our store. There's all sorts of things chatted there. They didn't tell the store that there's actually now one of the influencers at our store. We have 200 stores and 3 logistical centers and headquarters. So with 30 inlfuencers there certainly isn't one in every store.

I think I'm mostly bothered that they didn't congratulate me and weren't happy for me. I thought this would be something fun to do this summer. I was so happy to be chosen, and now I feel so defeted and like I have a burden.

I read through all the materials I was given and watched the videos we were given. I was supposed to do that while at work. But I'm not counting on that. We were also told not to do the influencer work on our on time. We get 15 minutes / week to do it. Of course it needs to be a quiet time and all other work to be done before. That can be a problem. Like yesterday when I had done everything I was told I could go home sooner (they'll save the pay), I could have watched the tutorials ect... but...) I don't know. I'm trying not to let them affect me that much, but it's pretty hard. It could be that they are just too busy to have time to think about this. But for me it's very disappointing situation.

In the tutorials they congratulated us and were so enthusiastic and so supportive and all that. What a contrast. I just hope this ordeal doesn't ruin my summer there. I still have 3 months in my contract and I still hope I'd get to continue there. They haven't indicated anything regarding that.

Well, chin up and back to morning shift tomorrow. After weeks of mostly evening shifts I need to start waking up with the roosters tomorrow.

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