Fresh as a ...
I got home from physio last night to find that England had beaten Germany in the football match, and although it is only the quarter finals it has been met by much jubilation as it is a historic win for England against Germany, not having achieved this since 1966. I don't watch football but I can appreciate what a big deal this is. My physio went well although I felt rather uncomfortable afterwards - apparently bursitis does not usually respond well to physio so I may have to see a consultant and get a steroid injection to reduce the inflammation, but we will see how it goes.
A nearby house was sold to developers a few months ago and as they have not yet started on the new building yet the garden has gone wild with many wild flowers and big weeds everywhere. I stopped off today to photograph the huge daisies growing in their lawn, I can see a few more photo opportunities coming up even if I am trespassing.
I was meant to fetch Tommy from university today but as I could not leave Xena at home all day (her dogwalker is away on holiday) and I felt it was not fair for her to sit in the car for the journey there and back without being allowed out the car when we got there - as the university colleges have strict rules about no dogs allowed - it was decided that Gavin should go. So he took the big car to work this morning, and as he needed the roof box on to fit all Tommy's stuff in the car, he could not park in his garage at work as the car would not fit under the overhead barrier. So he was not charmed when he came out after lunch to set off to fetch Tommy to find that someone had driven past and smashed the wing mirror off the car - and this is the same car that was driven into while parked when we went away a few weeks ago. Bloody hell, why is this car such a target?! So now I am taking it in to the garage tomorrow morning to get fixed. Gavin was fuming about that and then there was an accident so he had a nightmare of a journey to Cambridge from London so they will only get back later tonight.
Luke was at Wimbledon today. When I said I was concerned about the crowds there he explained that everyone there has to have a Covid test before arriving and show evidence of the result on the NHS app.
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