A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Big and blousy

After nearly two weeks away it’s hard to be enthusiastic about a blip. 

Two lots is washing done when we got home yesterday evening and two more today plus a quick trip to M&S in Guiseley to stock up for the weekend. 

A bit hot for ironing but I got some done whilst watching Le Tour after catching up on the first 4 stages last night. Still some washing out but I’m putting off doing the shirts!

Lots of gardening to do but that will be for tomorrow. I did pop out to take a couple of shots of the pink Peony which was just in bud when we left. Lots of blooms are now past their best but there are about four like this and some buds to come. The scent is lovely.

Will be working on a Flickr album of the trip before long.

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