
By Grammy

Rural Rejuvenation

Hazy and very hot all day. I am not sure where our last day went but it is 9:15 pm. I was ready to publish today’s entry but it disappeared. This is take two. We did the usual final day work: gather and pack, clean, inventory and list items we need next time, etc. The men went to town to fill all the gas cans and get ice cream for dessert. They cut grass in this heat and were wiped out. My sister worked on her flowers so they will survive till the next visit. We had two pork roasts; I made a German meal with one and cooked the other one for pulled pork when we get home. We visited the neighbors; the elderly lady really misses us when we leave. The red breasted grosbeak stopped by a few times. I got a few shots but no good close ups. Before we arrived, my sister gave the fairy house a face lift. We’ll see if the woodpeckers use it again. We really have enjoyed this short respite. “The healthiest response to life is joy.” - Deepak Chopra. Thanks for dropping by.

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