
Early this morning I had a call from my mum.
"Is that Amanda?"
"Yes mum, its me"
"I'm having to use my mobile phone as I've got no electricity. I'm worried the freezer will rot"
"Have you checked the fuses?"
"I can't climb on the chair to see"
"O.K. I'll come over"

It's an 8 minute drive.
The fuses were fine but there was no power.
We phoned the electricity company. They would send out an engineer.

At lunch time I popped over to her again as the engineers were just leaving.
There's a problem from the overhead cable junction box, they said.

Mum was more interested in their little dog, than the practical issues!

I left her in good spirits and returned at five. It was already getting dark in the house and she was waiting to light the one candle she had found.

"They're supposed to be bringing a germinator" she said.

A short while later the second crew arrived. with the generator, as promised, and within a short while it was wired into the fuse box via the letter box.

Heat and light were restored, her TV was back on and she was cooking her supper.

The germinator will remain in place and be topped up with diesel by engineers until they can come to do the repair, sometime next week.

I hope I'm as relaxed as her when I'm almost 90!

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