The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Caerlaverock castle

No I don't  know how to pronounce  it. 
We wandered and daundered around the moat, but we didn't  do the 40 min walk. The MonStar was a bit excitable and we really didn't  fancy a battle of wills,so we headed to Castle Douglas for a pleasant baked potato.  There were more interesting  shops and cafes there than the much bigger Dumfries so more wandering. 
Eventually  we arrived at the community owned campsite  at Kirkcudbright, (Kir-could-bree) for the non locals. Another surprisingly interesting town with a marina. The ice cream shops were closing at 15.00hrs and were quite unwelcoming. I was disappointed,  but Ally was less than  happy. You would have thought that they would be glad of the business coming out of lockdown...

Star was quite hot by now as the sun was beating down. The lovely woman at the tourist office filled her bowl full of cold water for me and we sat under some trees by the water to cool off. Can't  be too careful with our precious MonStar.

A bit of a treck tomorrow  to see if we can spend a few nights on the coast.


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