Prepare for TAKE OFF!
Checked the allotment for pests etc first thing.
Walked Indie. Did our usual route in full waterproofs, the sun came out. I took off my jacket, the sun went in it began to drizzle, I put my jacket back on. Phew! It's mild. I took my gilet off and tied it around my waist. The sun came out, then it started to rain ... the jacket went back on. The English Summer!!
Mum was sat soaking her feet when I arrived back. I DID say I would do cut her toenails when I returned from doing her shop but hey ho!!!! She's got horrible toe nails .. Mine are'nt great! Ping! Ping!..... Ping!! Toe nails done.
Went to the Coop to do her shop. I needed to call her to clarify an item on her list .. doing this I missed 4 items on her list, including the item I rang her about. I was distracted, that's my excuse & I'm sticking to it.
A quick coffee.
Home to happy hubby ... lunch. More depressing music ... :-((((( The same songs everyday sung by different artists.I don't know what he does but they are obviously medleys by different artists on Youtube. I can't stand it, so eat lunch outside, with the door closed, as he's cold. Laundry! It's Monday. He's stripped the bed, put the laundry in the washing machine but not washed it. I switched the machine on ... not rocket science. Peg it out, then do some jobs in the garden. The clematis, not sure which, is TAKING OFF so needs somewhere to cling to. The wall, but how??? Redundant pea sticks, tied with string to make a "trellis". (As seen in the pic) Job done!. I tidied up the seed trays & plant trays. Prune the euonymus on the back wall of the garden, rip the ivy off the wall as its attached itself to the soffit board on the garage roof. There was a threat of rain coming in, so I packed everything in the car that needed to go to the allotment, whizzed up there unloaded, then came back and made dinner.
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