
By Bradders


Little bit of a blip milestone.

Incase anyone has arrived at this post because of the milestone... hello, I'm Simon and am an exploration geologist from the UK and working fly-in fly-out from Perth Australia. I spend 16 days working 12 hour days in the outback and then have 12 days off in the lovely city of Perth.

I left the UK two and a half years ago now. I had just called an end to three years of seasonal outdoor instructing and backpacking, and intended to find work as a geologist here in Australia. I had no idea if I would be successful, no idea what lay ahead. I started this blip diary from day 1 and it's certainly been an adventure and a half so far.

I took the long way to Australia, did a bit of travelling on arrival, met old friends and made new ones. I have moved to Perth, moved to Cairns, moved back to Perth. I have had 6 different jobs here in mining and mineral exploration, good and bad. I've dealt with losing my rental, unemployment and coronavirus. I had my first relationship over here. I've missed my friends from before I moved and I've really missed my family, though my brother did manage to visit! I have created my own Australian social circle, friends for life no matter where I end up in the world. I've had plenty of adventures, road trips and new experiences in my time off. And here I am now, day 902, in a new lockdown in Perth, working from home with this gorgeous view outside to a Perth winter day, reflecting and content.

That's the last 500 days, I'm looking forward to the next 500.

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