
Helping grandma with hubby today, as we washed four of their carpets by hand. A lot more to do, but this was a good start.

And I had second meeting with this new physiotheapist today. It seems that my muscles are now in good shape, but as I already had guessed (and that is why I went to see her), I have to learn walking again. The problem is, that I have wrong walking position, I do not trust the worse knee at all anymore and even if I have excellent power in muscles now, there is problems how to walk. The idea is to learn right or atleast better style to walk and that way make my future better.

Visiting my step-mom in the evening. She gave me their decoration fireplace as she soon moves away and wants to give away her and my deceased father's belongings.
I do not know the story of these metal figures on the fireplace. They always have been on my father's bookself.

Hubby is getting ready for traveling to Tokio for Olympics media compound. Due the Corona the system is different, strong bubbles where they work, a lot forms to fulfill before quarantine in Japan.


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