Suet balls

I replenished both the feeders and the fat ball container and the sparrows were straight in there, particularly the balls! The ratio was about four of them on the fat balls to one on the feeders, but they tend to fly off if they see the camera pointing at them so these were just the bold (and hungry) ones left. And I have the spudgers unsolicited testimonal that they greatly prefer Aldi's suet balls to any others they've tried (they seem whiter and greasier than the other types so presumably that's the attraction). I also watered in a fresh batch of nematodes for the slugs and while I was watering the untended and dreadfully weedy strawberry bed I saw I glint of red. Ended up picking a bowlful of delicious ripe strawberries that were hidden under all the weeds and leafage. Oh dear, I hope there are some left for DaveH when he's next back. ;-)

Did various chores in the flat and had a Zoom with D in the afternoon, as a change from texting each other in Gaelic (the messages are generally v short). His flatmate is stopping work this week to go off on some other archaeological adventure so he may end up alone in his garret.

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