What a day

Overcast and a bit cooler this morning but hubby wanted to have a drive out to Southwell and get a coffee. Car park was empty and free on a Sunday, because every where was closed. We found that the coffee shop in the minster was open so got a takeaway and wandered around the graveyard.
It’s two years today since my mum died so she has been in my thoughts all day.
It’s hubby’s birthday tomorrow so baked a chocolate and chilli cake for him.
Picked up daughters dog for the afternoon as she was driving back from London, unfortunately she messaged me to say she wasn’t feeling well enough to drive so was leaving later than planned. So I have had a very stressful evening since she left London and still not home.
I plan to have a glass of red as soon as she messages to say she is back and I walk round to hers with her dog.

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