Hold The Line

In yet another, heavily contrived “make the picture fit the title” scenario, I asked Mrs C to grab the washing line whilst I took a photo. As you can see from her expression, she was totally overjoyed to be able to help me in this endeavour.
As mentioned yesterday, it was car boot sale time again today. This one was smaller than last time, but is very local and the charges they make are for the benefit of the school so I always like to support the one or two sales they put on each year. Sadly, there were none last year, for obvious reasons, and the first one this year was washed out by torrential rain. Fortunately today stayed dry, if not exactly sunny. Mrs C not being keen on the early starts, I was the only one up and about at silly o’clock and set off for the site on my own at 6.30am. Surprised to find I was the second car in the queue and it wasn’t until about 6.50 that any one turned up to unlock the gates. At least, by then, several more cars had joined the queue. Still, being second in meant I got a good pitch with plenty of room to spread out. Mrs C walked down to join me after 9.00 so I could be released to get the bacon baps in!
In spite of it never seeming to be that busy, we still shifted a fair amount of stuff, including the aforementioned washing line - though I did have to deliver that after the sale, as the lady seemed reluctant to walk around with it tucked under her arm!
Leaving aside the fact that our house is a little emptier (which is a good thing) and my wallet is a little fuller (also a good thing), the best part of today was chatting to so many people that I hadn’t seen for over twelve months (a very good thing!!)
It all seemed so wonderfully “normal” and it was very refreshing to find out what is going on in people’s lives by talking to them, rather than only being able to read their posts on social media.

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