
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Red Nose Day

Good evening fellow blippers.

I was a little torn about which photo to post. The stone structure I blipped yesterday had fallen/was taken down overnight. When I passed it this morning the word that came to mind was impermanence. It's a big theme in Buddhism. Everything is impermanent in this world. Lovely Kendall's cat Taiga also came to mind.

I thought about asking my client this afternoon for an 'after' photograph but decided against it. She had a tumble this morning and twisted her ankle painfully. She swithered about coming at all but decided she needed the massage more than her desire to stay at home with her cats and a raised foot. She wanted to be 'realigned'. Easy peasy... Thankfully afterwards she was beaming and said that the massage felt very 'healing'. I don't pretend to be a healer but I'm all in favour of healing.

In the end I've settled on this action shot of a little lad dressed as a wizard. Yes, it's Red Nose Day again. The kids on their way to school this morning were dressed as all sorts of things, trying to be funny to raise money. A colleague's 9 year old son and some pals were planning to busk today. The only song they know how to play is Johnny Cash's Fulsom Prison Blues and none of them wanted to sing. I would have paid money to see that.

The weekend is here! I hope you enjoy it.

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