
By strawhouse

The Drive

Poor Archie was quite sick through the night. He didn't eat any dinner so there wasn't much to throw up, bless him.
Until he went out into the garden in the early hours and apparently ate his body weight in grass which gave him something to throw up all over our bedroom carpet this morning.
It's been boiling hot again today but I've stayed in with him on the sofa. We sat out first thing but he couldn't settle and I was worried about him getting too hot.
I hate it when they're ill. It's like having a baby all over again! 
He did eat a bit of chicken for dinner which is the first thing he's eaten since yesterday morning. Vets tomorrow if he's no better.
The fun just kept coming with an email from school confirming a second case in the bubble. Uuughhhhhhh.
I had to email Miss L's teacher a photo of Miss L's first day (look at her!!!!!!!) at school for a slideshow they're doing at the leaver's assembly. While I was at it I took the opportunity to ask after her son and the rest of them, and also apologise for my misjudgement the other day letting Miss L go out on her bike when they should have been self isolating. She wrote a very nice email back immediately. Unlike the headmistress who I haven't had a reply from.
Although my email to the teacher was a lot more grovelly and polite than the email to the head!
The final easing of lockdown rules was extended four weeks today from June 21st to July 19th. We'll see!!

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