Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos


The hounds and I went to the dog beach.  Despite me trying to keep Hamish relatively quiet, he really enjoys it and even jogged after sticks (other people throwing them) and swimming.  It is good for him to go swimming but I don't want him overdoing it.   It was then a trip home via the beaches and a bit of whale watching.   They don't come in as close at Newy as they do at Boat Harbour and so there are no blipworthy shots.  No tail or fin slaps, no breaches, just a steady stream of the Humpbacks going past.  There was also a large pod of dolphins, a kestrel and this juvenile sea eagle.  I later briefly saw it with fish so it did pretty well for itself.  Matt Hall (I suspect) also came and did some aerials so there was plenty to see going on.

I rather liked the undercarriage of the sea eagle ... their feathers are amazing and of course all need to be just in the right place for them to be able to soar the way they do. 

It was then home and a zoom cocktail catch up with friends that took out the rest of the day.  (I had a Negroni if you are interested).

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