Favourite spot

Less than a week to enjoy her favourite spot in the boarding house. They're moving out this summer, all into a new house (we'll it's actually one the school owns, but they're rearranging, getting rid of this one). Anyway her days in her much loved music room in this house are numbered.

She proudly messaged me at 8am this morning to show me she was up and ready for ballet. I felt quite bad having to remind her the lesson is in fact tomorrow and she'd mixed up her Saturday and Sunday activities. Today was a final audition for one of her summer courses. They've already offered her a bursary and said that they want her but she had an interview and orchestral excerpts to do with a panel online today. She really enjoyed it, both working with the bassoonists on the excerpts and the interview itself.

The duty staff member took Katie and the other two boarders for a picnic in front of the cathedral, which Katie loved.

Late afternoon, I received an email asking us to confirm Katie's academic option choices for next year! As a Specialist, she has practice and lessons written in to her timetable along with enhanced academic music. She does a core syllabus of English, maths, science, French, PE and RE and then gets the choice of two out of a range of arts/humanities subjects to finish it off. I knew she'd pick drama and then we discussed the remaining option and settled on history happily together. If she needs more practice time (and as a multi instrumentalist, down the line she may well) then her timetable will get further adjusted. She rather liked picking her subjects and moving on from some things she loves less! 

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