Night owls

Mid-summer night made us stay up late. It was more than 1 am, as we left back home from the countryside Kisaranta dance house. This beautiful old Volvo Amazon was on the parking lot, as we left. The registration plate is old style, as in museum licenced cars tend to have.

At 3 am I was on my bed and after refreshing 5 hours sleep back up again. Just could not sleep more...

The Tokio Olympics will form somekind of a shadow into our summer and it is getting stronger day by day now... Hubby will leave to the television compound of Olympics next friday. He is a bit quiet and tensed over it and I am tensed too, minding how everything will go. The circumstances will be so different this time due local virus restrictions. And the virus situation can be good or bad, or something in between...

Anyway - kettlebelling, visiting grandparents with our kids, bathing in sauna with the family (there always has to be the bathing in sauna...) and meeting friends today, during the day - and early to bed.

No photos today, but this car.

+23c af first, after a short rain +19c.


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