What a good day!

After yesterday’s news, I slept like a baby until Mr A’s alarm went off at 7.31 don’t get me started on that one!!!!.

After he’d left for work, I fell back asleep until 10am, then decided to have a coffee back in bed and catch up with all the blips I’ve missed over the last week.
Before I knew it, it was midday :-0

Despite stern warning from Mr A to ‘take it easy’, I thought I’d try a little drive out to the new Home Bargains that’s opened a few miles down the road from us and is the biggest one in the country. It even has a cafe!

Mr A and I had been out last night with me at the wheel for a trial run, but it certainly didn’t feel like almost 8 months since I’d driven. I felt confident enough to venture out alone today.

The store was great and with being on my own, I could take my time to browse. They had so much more choice than our local store, so it was also a good bit of exercise wandering up and down the aisles.

Mr A messaged me as he finished work, ‘I’ll be an hour’, which gave me time to fire up the barbie and get our tea ready for when he got home.

It was a perfect night to sit and chill in the garden and my bbq skills were highly rated ;-)

DQ x

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