From the first post . . .

. . . to the middle post.
When you struggle downstairs at quarter to seven in the morning to check your email and make a cup of tea, you don’t expect to find an overnight email saying that your delivery will be with you “between 07.09 and 08.09”!  AND it was two minutes early.  Not welcome with the calls of nature somewhat important, even if it’s your ‘Old Tom’ barley wine, straight from Robinsons Brewery.  He had to wait.  (That’s the Royal ‘he’, could have been a she.)
Silly, but I wouldn’t have minded if we had got the warning email yesterday?
And just to put Thursday’s blip into perspective, I thought I would include the ‘Middle Post’ of the gate which I devised and put into place today.  It will have a bolt into the paving slab when I get Tuesday’s delivery, which was blipped about yesterday, and that was silly enough to do for two days.  The post is attached to the LH gate and moves back with it to open up the drive to its full width.
Another Saturday full of silliness done and dusted.  All that remains is cooking dinner and vegging out with Liza Tarbuck and Johnnie Walker this evening.  We are of an age . . .

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