Fully operational Fathers Day present

This is a beautiful antique style double tubed bird feeder given to me for Fathers Day
There is only one "working" part on this, the bolt that screws on to the thread that both holds the top to the bottom  and carries the ring to hang it onto the bird feeding station.
The good news is there was only one thing wrong with this bird feeder, the bad news is it was the bolt that would not hold onto the tread. I spilt a lot of bird food over the garage floor proving it did not work.
After one phone call to the suppliers I not only received a replacement within 3 days but also profuse apologies that I had the problem. Now that is what I call customer service.
I also still have the original and thought with my well known DIY skills with hammers I might be able to salvage it. Unfortunately I am the only one who thinks I could do this.

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