Something Murderry

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

It has been raining in Wellington for a few days now. 

As you know, this is the ideal weather for Symons. I like the cold and the dark. It suits my nature which relishes warm fires, curled-up cats and bowls of hot soup. 

Caro, not so much. If she is cooped up she gets fidgety and annoyed. This, despite the fact that she often self-coops in sunny weather. It is not so much that she wants to go out, you see. She just resents having the choice taken from her by the weather gods. 

So on days like today, the thing that cheers Caro is to watch films. But she never knows what film. That is left to me. The fact that I am a walking film directory of what-you-have-seen and what-you-liked and what-is-coming-soon-that-you-might-like is one of the things that keeps our marriage working.

"What would you like to see?" I ask. Often.
"Oh. I don't know. Something murderry?" she will reply.

She always says that. It does not make my life easy. There are a limited number of murderry films and Caro has seen them all. 

I apply the Three Year Rule. If she has seen the murderry film within a three year window, then I mentally veto it. 

(How do I know? I keep a record. Yes, yes I know.)

Today's murderry film was "The Girl on the Train" which she has never seen. To be honest I was unsure if she would like it. But she stuck with it, and apparently enjoyed it although, "it was slow at the start".

And now it is 5:30pm and we are about to enter the night-time shift. If I know my wife at all, she will want "something thriller-ish" later this evening. Although she has seen nearly all thrillers also. 

Back to the three year rule. 

I may have to shorten it to two.


p.s. Today's blip is for all you Dave fans out there. 

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