Feeling crabby

Spot the very well camouflaged crab!
The kids and I went down to the rocks this morning. Danny joined us between meetings and teaching. Asha was in her element...she just loves pottering about in the rock pools and water, it's lovely to watch. A day of trying to accommodate Emily and Pasha, so they've been in and around at different points. 
Took the kids to go along the Port and Danny kindly packed me off up to Sa Penya to go see how Sole was doing. She wasn't in but her husband, Chele, was. Good to catch up on all things family. He walked me back down to town and we met Sole on her way back up from shopping. Soooo good to see her. She now has the tag on and needs to be inside her home from 6pm. She's found a job though which is amazing! She also said it's been a rollercoaster and it's not easy adjusting to life on the outside, she wanted to know how Ed was doing. They had a soft spot for each other in prison - their paths crossed as he worked in the shop and she watered the plants in and around the prison. One of the current struggles is that she has pretty much nothing in her home - it was all broken when she returned. So I'm on the hunt for stuff. 
Home to say bye to Emily and Pasha who I've just heard are now on the plane back to Liverpool. She's already booked to come back in a couple of weeks!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Living close to the sea.
2) Time with Sole - always feels like time well spent.
3) A friend from Glasgow booking flights out here in July!

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