Sharp Dressed Man

It’s about two years since I last wore this suit. Coincidentally, that was also the last time I actually did any proper work! At that time, I seem to remember it was a little tight. The wet weather today, coupled with the knowledge that our new, built in, wardrobe will not have as much hanging space as the present arrangement, led to a thorough review of all our clothes.
I did not put a lot into the charity bag, but this suit had to go as it is now way too big for my new slimline body! I do have another suit (that was really tight last time I tried it on, but now fits quite comfortably) so I’m still ok for weddings and funerals - the only times I would wear a suit these days. Apart from binning some old socks and a T-shirt that no longer fitted, the only other item of clothing that needs to go is my motorcycle jeans. Last time I wore them in anger, they fully justified their “relaxed fit” description. Trying them on today, I found they weren’t just relaxed, they were damn near comatose - perfectly possible to take them on and off without undoing any buttons or zips! Obviously not safe - or practical - to wear them on a motorbike so I’ve listed them on the local Sell and Seek site in the hope that someone else can get some use out of them as they’ve probably only been worn a couple of dozen times in total.
It would be ungallant of me to say how many clothes Mrs C disposed of but, in an entirely unrelated matter, I do have a couple of bags to drop off at the charity shop on Monday!

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