
On the high seas! Well on the Crinan canal. Engine cuts out, boat drifting hopelessly towards the bushes. No power nowhere to tie up! Help ma Boab, what to do! I know let's tie two ropes, one on pointy end & one on the blunt end. What to tie the ropes to cries the by now distraught woman on board? To a tree cries the equally distraught wuman on the canal bank. Now said boaty macboatface is tied the Mannie on the bank takes off his sailing gear but leaves on his expensive day clobber. ( I must admit to being a little dissapointed he didn't reveal more). He tries wading off the bank! Does he not realise what a canal is! Plop in he fell. Oh no shrieks his dear lady (mind you she could equally have been his PA by today's events) I told him to wait for help she says looking at me! I'm thinking, I can't bloody swim so Im backing away from her. Finally the other man numpty on board drops the ladder and the brave over dressed sailor clambers on board! I casually say to wee wuman left landside that she will be in control of pulling the rope to get said big boat closer to the bank. Oh no she squeeled, not strong enough and besides I've just done my nails. Due to a pressing engagement, I took my leave and left them to it.

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