Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Because we all need a good laugh...

I had something else in mind, but then the chipmunks came and the cuteness exploded and...well, here we are.  There is something so expressive about chipmunks - I'm not really sure how anyone can resist them.  It pays to fire burst shots when photographing them because you can get images like this that happen in a nanosecond but are priceless.  Ten on the cute-o-meter.

I slept as long as my body wanted this morning, had a healthy breakfast and then drove over to have tea and a nice long visit with my friend who lives around the corner on the farm.  As a bonus, I also got to visit briefly with her youngest son and her husband who I've known for - gosh - 25 years at least.  And I got a dose of their grandpuppy, ad adorable Wheaton.  Lots of kisses and toe nibbles.  And then, out of nowhere, the fatigue came in and whacked me so I said my goodbyes and drove home. A little rest and then outside with the camera.

We have a very friendly duo of blue jays this summer and one, who has distinctive enough facial markings that I can recognize him, is almost tame enough to take peanuts from my hand.  His buddy is a bit more skittish but both are friendly and remarkably quiet.  It's eerie sometimes to turn around and have a blue jay sitting 5 feet away, quietly assessing me.  

Big garden news today, too - the first of the Great Golden Digger Wasps came out of their burrows.  I was actually starting to get a big concerned because I expected them to tunnel out sooner.  And Hubs was secretly hoping they wouldn't come out at all (lol).  They are huge wasps but also extremely docile.  And one female has already started excavating her own nest tunnel, so no time wasted.  I'll stick a shot in Extra of the excavator.  And you can bet that I'll be blipping one very soon.  I love my golden girls.

Still enjoying dark with orange essence today.  And also fresh watermelon.  

Be well.


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