
Ohhhhh, it was good to be back in our own bed last night.

It’s been a great break and definitely feels like we’ve been away for longer than we actually have, which is always a good sign.

Today has been a chilled one. I edited and uploaded all my photos from the trip while Mr A entertained an old work buddy for a couple of hours.

I’m hoping I can sleep tonight; tomorrow is when I find out if my leg has healed after the bone graft and if the cage can finally come off.
I know that worrying about it won’t change a thing but it’s fair to say I’ll feel better once I know what’s what.
Fingers, toes and everything crossed for good news tomorrow!

Today’s blip is one of the things I bought with my birthday money. I loved it as soon as I saw it as it goes perfectly with the decor in our porch.
We already had the little welcome sign; Mr A initially plonked it on the new piece just to move it out of the way, but it blends in like it’s meant to be a part of it :-)

DQ x

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