Dunino Church And Dunino Den

Dunino has long been on our "todo" list and today is the day.

Rather than drone on about the history of the Church and the den, I have given a link which will explain and provide other photos.

Pat and I explored the church grounds and the den with S and after the footwork we enjoyed one of Pat’s picnics.

The weather was glorious and I took 50 photos. I have posted four extras which are for information rather than any great artistic merit.

The first extra shows a Druid stone in the church cemetery which had been converted into a sundial. The coins and other objects have been piled on top. Throughout the Den are "money trees and collections of coins.

The second extra shows a prayer etched into the glass pane of one of the windows.  The church was closed to visitors and the poem is designed to read from within. Mirroring the photo allows the prayer to be read.

The third extra taken by Pat shows S and myself at the "staircase" which gives access to Dunino Den. It is something of an obstacle to be overcome. We all managed it.

The third extra shows a "green man" carved into the rock. The actual size is about the size of my hand. It is probably over 1000 years old. There are also various Celtic carvings and symbols.

The main Blipfoto shows Dunino Church and cemetery. The countryside and the church grounds are remarkably green rolling and peaceful. Spiritually uplifting and a fine place for our picnic lunch.

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